Working with the tool library
Machining tool libraries are created in .db files, where each library is an independent repository of a specific set of tools. By default, the standard machining tool libraries are located in the "C:\ProgramData[CAM_Path]\Version 17\Libraries\Tools" directory. Custom tool libraries can be created in any location. To create a new tool library or open an existing one, use the functions of the IMTI_MachiningToolsImportLibrary instance (importer):
//create a new tool storage
var tNewStorage = importer.CreateNewToolsStorage(@"D:\teststorage.db");
//open an existing tool storage
var tExstStorage = importer.OpenExistingToolsStorage(@"D:\teststorage.db");
To add a new machining tool item to the tool library, use the following function:
//the tool must be created and formed before adding it to the tool library
bool result = storage.AddToolItem(tool);
Helpful links:
- How to manage tool libraries in the CAM interface
- Preparing the machining tools import api environment
- GitVerse: Machining tool import API examples